Educational Consulting and Workshops
DEPC can offer a wide variety of workshops on educational topics. Workshops and presentations can range in length from 1 hour to multiple days.
- Internet Use and Safety for Children and Teens
- Bullying and Cyber-bullying – Working With Your Child
- Self-Regulation at home and school – what does it mean
- Mindfulness
- Mental Health Concerns
- Learning Disabilities
- Using Data to Inform Classroom Instruction
- Using Classroom Assistants Effectively
- Bookshare and CELA Library – Apps and software to support students with Reading Disabilities and Reading Disorders
- Administering Standardized Assessments (Level B)
- Interpretation of Standardized Level B Assessments
- Executive Functions and What it Means for the Classroom
- Workshops on variety of conditions affecting students: Autism Spectrum Disorder; Mental Illnesses in Youth – Anxiety, Depression; Learning Disorders; Attention Deficit-HyperactivityDisorder; Executive Functioning Concerns; Oppositional Defiant Disorder
- Incorporating “learning skills” into your classroom teaching
- Working with Students with Challenging Behaviours
- Tired, Frustrated & Burnt Out – organizational strategies for increasing on-task learning time in the classroom
- Social Emotional Learning
- Stress and Trauma – What it Means in the Classroom
- The Amygdala Hijack – why we need to know what it is and what to do about it
- What can you use a school psychologist for…there is more to life than assessments
If there is a topic you are interested in learning about, contact us to see if we can create something for you.